Mar 062023
VMware vSphere 7 Logo

You might ask if/what the procedure is for updating Enhanced Linked Mode vCenter Server Instances, or is there even any considerations that apply?

vCenter Enhanced Link Mode is a feature that allows you to link a total of 15 vCenter Instances in to a single, Single Sign On (SSO) vSphere domain. This allows you to have a single set of credentials to manage all 15 instances, as well as the ability to manage all of them from a single pane of glass.

When it comes to environments with multiple vCenter instance and/or vCSA appliances, this really helps manageability, and visibility.

Enhanced Linked Mode Upgrade Considerations

To answer the question above: Yes, when you’re running Enhanced Linked Mode (ELM) to link multiple vCenter Server, special considerations and requirements exist when it comes to updating or upgrading your vCenter Server instances and vCSA appliances.

Multiple VMware vCenter Server Instances (vCSA) Running in Enhanced Link Mode (ELM)
Multiple VMware vCenter Server Instances (vCSA) Running in Enhanced Link Mode (ELM)

Not only have these procedures been documented in older VMware documentation, but I recently reviewed and confirmed the best practices with VMware GSS while on a support case.

Procedure for updating vCenter with ELM

  1. Configure/Confirm that the vCenter File-Based Backup in VAMI is configured, functioning, and that you are creating valid file based backups.
  2. Create a manual file-based backup with VAMI
  3. Power down all vCenter Instances and vCSA Appliances in your environment
  4. Perform a cold snapshot of all vCenter Instances and vCSA appliances
    • *This is critical* – You need a valid offline snapshot taken of all appliances powered off at the same point in time
  5. Power on the vCenter/vCSA Virtual Machines (VMs)
  6. Perform the update or upgrade

Recovering from a failed Update

IMPORTANT: In the event that an update or upgrade fails, you must revert all vCenter Instances and/or vCSA appliances back to the previous snapshot!

You cannot selectively choose single or individual instances, as this may cause mismatches in data and configuration between the instances as they have databases that are not in sync, and are from different points in time.

Additionally, if you are in a situation where you’re considering or planning to restore previous snapshots to recover from a failed update, you should do so sooner than later. As time progresses, service accounts and identifiers update in the VMware vSphere infrastructure. Delaying the restore too long could cause this information to get out of sync with the ESXi hosts after performing a snapshot restore/revert.

Feb 252023

When using VMware vSphere, you may notice vCenter OVF Import and Datastore File Access Issues, when performing various tasks with OVF Imports, as well as uploading and/or downloading files from datastores.

These issues can cause a number of symptoms including errors, unexpected status codes, and also just simply failing for an undetermined reason.

vCenter File Upload failed error "The Operation failed."
vCenter File Upload: The Operation failed.

The Problem

For this situation, the symptoms will occur when performing one of the following tasks:

  • Cannot Upload File to datastore
  • Cannot Download File from datastore
  • Cannot Import OVF Template
  • Cannot Export OVF Template

An example of errors that the user may see:

  • The operation failed for an undetermined reason.
  • The operation failed.
  • unexpectedStatusCode":0
  • unexpectedStatusCode (0)
  • HTTP 500 Error

See below for some example screenshots of errors you may see.

vCenter Error: "The operation failed for an undetermined reason."
The Operation failed: The Operation failed for an undetermined reason.
Chrome and vCenter report "NET::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID" error

Please note, that this condition can cause other issues and errors as well.

The Solution

When using VMware vSphere, the vCenter server acts as it’s own Root Certification Authority, and uses SSL certificates to facilitate communication and encryption between various services in the solution, as well as the communication between the vCenter Server, ESXi hosts, and any client computers accessing vCenter via the web HTML5 interface.

This Root Certification Authority running on the vCenter Server creates and issues certificates to these services and hosts, which are issues under the Root CA Certificate.

While vCenter automatically handles the certificate trusts between the services, as well as the communicate between the vCenter Server and ESXi hosts (this is automatically setup when adding hosts to vCenter), it cannot automatically make your (client) computer trust the entire certificate authority, as well as all the child certificates.

To resole this issue, you’ll need to follow my guide on How to Install the vSphere vCenter Root Certificate on your computer you are using to connect to the vCenter interface.

After installing the vCenter Root CA on your system, the issue will be resolved.

Nov 202022

Today I want to talk about Memory Deduplication on ESXi with Transparent Page Sharing (TPS). This is a technology that isn’t widely known about, even amongst IT professionals with significant experience with VMware products.

And you may ask “Memory Deduplication, why aren’t we using this?!?” as it sounds like a pretty cool piece of technology… Well, I’m about to tell you why you’re not (Inter-VM), and share a few examples of where you would want to enable this.

I also want to show you how to enable TPS globally (Inter-VM), and also discuss TPS being used with VMware Horizon and VDI.

What is Transparent Page Sharing (TPS)?

Transparent Page Sharing is the process in which ESXi can provide memory deduplication by storing duplicate memory pages as a single page on the physical memory of the host. This process stops the system from storing redundant memory pages, and thus frees up physical memory for other uses.

If my memory serves me right, this was originally enabled by default in ESX/ESXi version 5, but was later globally disabled due to security vulnerabilities and concerns.

Note, that TPS is still enabled by default from within the same VM, even today with ESXi 8.

Security Concerns

I recall two potential scenarios and security concerns which led to VMware changing the original default behavior for TPS.

  • Scenario 1 included a concern about an attacker gaining access to a VM, and then having the ability to modify the memory contents of another VM.
  • Scenario 2 included a concern where an attacker may be able to get access to encryption keys used on another system.

A quick search led to a KB titled “Security considerations and disallowing inter-Virtual Machine Transparent Page Sharing (2080735)“, which outlines the details of scenario 2, along with stating “This technique works only in a highly controlled system configured in a non-standard way that VMware believes would not be recreated in a production environment”.

With that being said, it sounds like this would be an extremely difficult attack that requires systems to be configured in a non-standard way.

Current status of TPS

Believe it or not, TPS and memory deduplication is still enabled, however it’s only deduplicating pages from within the same VM. TPS is not deduplicating pages from multiple VMs.

Additionally, VMware has given us controls to configure TPS to allow it amongst multiple VMs, or even enable it globally across the ESXi host.

See below for the settings to configure TPS on ESXi via “Advanced Settings”:

A table providing configurable options for Transparent Page Sharing (TPS) on VMware vSphere ESXi
Transparent Page Sharing (TPS) Settings for ESXi Host

The above table was provided by VMware’s “Additional Transparent Page Sharing management capabilities and new default settings (2097593)” KB.

In short, you could enable TPS globally (Inter-VM) by setting “Mem.ShareForceSalting” in “Advanced Settings”, to a value of “0”. You can also use the salting to configure groups of VMs that are allow to share memory pages.

Additionally, you can tweak the behavior of TPS by modifying some of the settings shown below:

TPS Memory Sharing Settings

As you can see you can configure things like the scanning occurrence (Mem.ShareScanTime) of how often the system will check for memory pages that can be shared/deduplicated and other settings.

TPS is enabled, but not working

So, you may have decided to enable TPS in your environment, but you’re noticing that either no, or very little memory pages are being marked as shared.

ESXi Memory Graph showing Memory Deduplication from TPS
TPS Memory Deduplication – Amount of host physical memory that backs shared guest physical memory

In the example above, you’ll notice that on a loaded host, with TPS enabled globally (Inter-VM, amongst all VMs), that the host is only deduplicating 1,052KB of memory.

This is because you will most often only see TPS being heavily utilized on an ESXi host that has over-committed memory, there’s also a chance that you simply don’t have enough memory pages that can be duplicated.

Memory Deduplication, TPS, and VMware Horizon VDI

Because VMware Horizon utilizes the “vmfork” with “Just-in-Time” desktop delivery, non-persistent VDI will benefit from some level of memory deduplication by default when using Instant Clones with non-persistent VDI. This is because non-persistent VDI guests are spawned from a running base image.

Additionally, you can further implement, enable, and configure TPS by configuring some Transparent Page Sharing options inside of the VMware Horizon Administration console.

When creating a Desktop Pool, you can set the “Transparent Page Sharing” open to “Virtual Machine” (Memory dedupe inside of the VM only), “Pool” (Memory dedupe across the Desktop Pool), “Pod” (Dedupe across the pod), or “Global” (Full Inter-VM memory deduplication across the ESXi host).

If you enabled TPS on the ESXi host globally, these settings are null and not used.

TPS Use Cases

So you might be asking when it’s a good time to use TPS?

  • The Homelab – When is a homelab not a good reason to try something? Looking to save some memory and overcommit memory resources? Implement TPS.
  • VDI Environments – On highly dense hosts, you may consider implementing TPS at some level to maximize the utilization of resources, however you must be aware of the security consequences and factor this in when configuring TPS.
  • Environments with no Sensitive Information – It’s hard to imagine, but if you have an environment that doesn’t contain any sensitive information and doesn’t use any security keys, it would be suitable to enable TPS.

I’m sure there’s a number of other use cases, so leave a comment if you can think of one.


In my opinion Transparent Page Sharing is a technology that should not be forgotten and discarded. VMware admins should be aware of it, how to configure it, and what the implications are of using it.

If you are considering enabling TPS in your environment, you must factor in the potential security consequences of doing so.

Oct 302022
vGPU nvidia-smi GPU Link Info

If you’re like me, you want to make sure that your environment is as optimized as possible. I recently noticed that my NVIDIA A2 vGPU was reporting the vGPU PCIe Link Speed and Generation that the card was using was below what it was supposed to be running at on my VMware vSphere ESXi host.

I needed to find out if this was being reported incorrectly, if there was an issue, or something else effecting this. In my case, the specific GPU I was using is supposed to support PCIe Gen4, and has a physical connector supporting 4x, my host has PCIe Gen3 slots, so I should at least be getting Gen3 speeds.


The Problem

When running the command “nvidia-smi -q”, the GPU was reporting that it was only running at PCIe Gen 1 speeds, as shown below:

        GPU Link Info
            PCIe Generation
                Max                       : 3
                Current                   : 1
                Device Current            : 1
                Device Max                : 4
                Host Max                  : N/A
            Link Width
                Max                       : 16x
                Current                   : 8x

Something else worth noting, is that the card states that it supports a 16x interface, when it actually only physical has a 8x connector. I believe they use this chip on another board that has multiple GPUs on a single board that actually supports 16x.

You could say I was quite puzzled. Why would the card only be running at PCIe Generation 1 speeds? I thought it could be any of the scenarios below:

  • Dynamic mode that alternates when required (possibly for power savings)
  • Hardware issue
  • Hardware Limitation (I’m using this in an older server)
  • Software issues
  • Configuration issue

Unfortunately, when searching the internet, I couldn’t find many references to this metric, however I did find references from other user’s copy/pastes of “nvidia-smi -q” which had the same values (running PCIe Gen1), even with beefier and more high-end cards.

The Solution

After some more searching, I finally came across an NVIDIA technical document titled “Useful nvidia-smi Queries” that states that the current PCIe Generation Link speed “may be reduced when the GPU is not in use”. This confirms that it’s dynamic and adjusts when needed.

Finally, I decided to give some games a shot in a couple of the VMs, and to my surprise when running a game, the “Device Current” and “Current” PCIe Generation changed to PCIe Gen3 (note that my server isn’t capable of PCIe Gen4, which is the cards maximum), as shown below:

        GPU Link Info
            PCIe Generation
                Max                       : 3
                Current                   : 3
                Device Current            : 3
                Device Max                : 4
                Host Max                  : N/A
            Link Width
                Max                       : 16x
                Current                   : 8x

In conclusion, if you notice this in your environment, do not be alarmed as this is completely normal and expected behavior.

Sep 042022

When either directly passing through a GPU, or attaching an NVIDIA vGPU to a Virtual Machine on VMware ESXi that has more than 16GB of Video Memory, you may run in to a situation where the VM fails to boot with the error “Module ‘DevicePowerOn’ power on failed.”. Special considerations are required when performing GPU or vGPU Passthrough with 16GB+ of video memory.

This issue is specifically caused by memory mapping a GPU or vGPU device that has 16GB of memory or higher, and could involve both the host system (the ESXi host) and/or the Virtual Machine configuration.

In this post, I’ll address the considerations and requirements to passthrough these devices to virtual machines in your environment.

In the order of occurrence, it’s usually VM configuration related, however if the recommendations in the “VM Configuration Considerations” section do not resolve the issue, please proceed to reviewing the “ESXi Host Considerations” section.

Please note that if the issue is host related, other errors may be present, or the device may not even be visible to ESXi.

VM GPU and vGPU Configuration Considerations

First and foremost, all new VMs should be created using the “EFI” Firmware type. EFI provides numerous advantages in device access and memory mapping versus the older style “BIOS” firmware types.

VM Firmware type EFI

To do this, create a new virtual machine, navigate to “VM Options”, expand “Boot Options”, and confirm/change the Firmware to “EFI”. I recommend this for all new VMs, and not only for VMs accessing GPUs or vGPUs with over 16GB of memory. Please note that you shouldn’t change an existing VM, and should do this on a fresh new VM.

With performing GPU or vGPU Passthrough with 16GB+ of video memory, you’ll need to create a couple of entries under “Advanced” settings to properly configure access to these PCIe devices and provide the proper environment for memory mapping. The lack of these settings is specifically what causes the “Module ‘DevicePowerOn’ power on failed.” error.

Under the VM settings, head over to “VM Options”, expand “Advanced” and click on “Edit Configuration”, click on “Add Configuration Params”, and add the following entries:


Example below:

VM GPU and vGPU Memory Settings for 16GB or higher memory mapping

You’ll notice that while our GPU or vGPU profile may have 16GB of memory, we need to double that value, and set it for the “pciPassthru.64bitMMIOSizeGB” variable. If your card or vGPU profile had 32GB, you’d set it to “64”.

Additionally if you were passing through multiple GPUs or vGPU devices, you’d need to factor all the memory being mapped, and double the combined amount.

ESXi GPU and vGPU Host Considerations

On most new and modern servers, the host level doesn’t require any special configuration as they are already designed to pass through such devices to the hypervisor properly. However in some special cases, and/or when using older servers, you may need to modify configuration and settings in the UEFI or BIOS.

If setting the VM Configuration above still results in the same error (or possibly other errors), than you most likely need to make modifications to the ESXi hosts BIOS/UEFI/RBSU to allow the proper memory mapping of the PCIe device, in our case being the GPU.

This is where things get a bit tricky because every server manufacturer has different settings that will need to be configured.

Look for the following settings, or settings with similar terminology:

  • “Memory Mapping Above 4G”
  • “Above 4G Decoding”
  • “PCI Express 64-Bit BAR Support”
  • “64-Bit IOMMU Mapping”

Once you find the correct setting or settings, enable them.

Every vendor could be using different terminology and there may be other settings that need to be configured that I don’t have listed above. In my case, I had to go in to a secret “SERVICE OPTIONS” menu on my HPE Proliant DL360p Gen8, as documented here.

After performing the recommendations in this guide, you should now be able to passthrough devices with over 16GB of memory.

Additional Resources: