Aug 092019
IIS Logo Image

You may find yourself unable to download attachments on an e-mail message you received on your Android or Apple iPhone from your Microsoft Exchange Server. In my case, this presented a “Unable to download.” with a retry option. Retrying would not work.

If the attachment is larger (over 10MB), this is most likely due to a limit enforced on the Activesync site in IIS on your Exchange Server. In this post I’m going to tell you why this happens, and how to fix it!

The Problem

Microsoft Exchange uses IIS (Internet Information Server) for numerous services including ActiveSync. ActiveSync provides the connectivity to your mobile device for your Exchange access.

IIS has numerous limits configured to stop massive bogus requests, reduce DDOS attacks, and other reasons.

The Fix

To resolve this and allow the attachment to download, we need to modify two configuration values inside of the web.config file on IIS.

Below are the values we will be modifying:

  • MaxDocumentDataSize – Maximum file (message) data size for transfer. “Sets the maximum data size that we will fetch (range or othewise)”
  • maxRequestLength – “Specifies the limit for the input stream buffering threshold, in KB. This limit can be used to prevent denial of service attacks that are caused, for example, by users posting large files to the server. The default is 4096 KB.” (as per here)

These settings are configured in the following file:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\ClientAccess\Sync\web.config

Before modifying the variables, please make a copy or backup of the web.config file so you can restore.

After you make a backup, open the file in notepad (right click -> run as administrator), and open the web.config file.

Simply search for the two values listed above, and change them. In my case, I tripled the “MaxDocumentDataSize”, and the “maxRequestLength” values. Examples from my “web.config” file are below:

add key="MaxDocumentDataSize" value="30720000"
httpRuntime maxRequestLength="30720" fcnMode="Disabled"

After changing these, run the following command from an elevated (as administrator) command prompt to restart IIS:


And bam, you’re good to go!

Feb 192019

Upgrading to Exchange 2016 CU12 may fail when using Let’s Encrypt SSL Certificates

On a Microsoft Exchange 2016 Server, utilizing Let’s Encrypt SSL Certificates, an upgrade to Cumulative Update 12 may fail. This is due to security permissions on the SSL certificate.

I later noticed that this occurs on all cumulative updates when using the Let’s Encrypt SSL certificates. This includes Exchange 2016 CU13 and CU14.

The CU install will fail, some services may function, but the server will not accept e-mail, or allow connections from Microsoft Outlook, or ActiveSync devices. PowerShell and EAC will not function.

The issue can be identified on this failure log:

[02/18/2019 19:24:28.0862] [2] Beginning processing Install-AuthCertificate
[02/18/2019 19:24:28.0867] [2] Ending processing Install-AuthCertificate
[02/18/2019 19:24:28.0868] [1] The following 1 error(s) occurred during task execution:
[02/18/2019 19:24:28.0868] [1] 0. ErrorRecord: Could not grant Network Service access to the certificate with thumbprint XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX because a cryptographic exception was thrown.
[02/18/2019 19:24:28.0868] [1] 0. ErrorRecord: Microsoft.Exchange.Management.SystemConfigurationTasks.AddAccessRuleCryptographicException: Could not grant Network Service access to the certificate with thumbprint XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX because a cryptographic exception was thrown. ---> System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException: Access is denied.
at Microsoft.Exchange.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.TlsCertificateInfo.CAPIAddAccessRule(X509Certificate2 certificate, AccessRule rule)
at Microsoft.Exchange.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.TlsCertificateInfo.AddAccessRule(X509Certificate2 certificate, AccessRule rule)
at Microsoft.Exchange.Management.SystemConfigurationTasks.ManageExchangeCertificate.EnableForServices(X509Certificate2 cert, AllowedServices services, String websiteName, Boolean requireSsl, ITopologyConfigurationSession dataSession, Server server, List`1 warningList, Boolean allowConfirmation, Boolean forceNetworkService)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.ThrowError(Exception exception, ErrorCategory errorCategory, Object target, String helpUrl)
at Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.WriteError(Exception exception, ErrorCategory category, Object target)
at Microsoft.Exchange.Management.SystemConfigurationTasks.InstallExchangeCertificate.EnableForServices(X509Certificate2 cert, AllowedServices services)
at Microsoft.Exchange.Management.SystemConfigurationTasks.InstallExchangeCertificate.InternalProcessRecord()
at Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.b__91_1()
at Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.InvokeRetryableFunc(String funcName, Action func, Boolean terminatePipelineIfFailed)
[02/18/2019 19:24:28.0883] [1] [ERROR] The following error was generated when "$error.Clear();
Install-ExchangeCertificate -services "IIS, POP, IMAP" -DomainController $RoleDomainController
if ($RoleIsDatacenter -ne $true -And $RoleIsPartnerHosted -ne $true)
Install-AuthCertificate -DomainController $RoleDomainController
" was run: "Microsoft.Exchange.Management.SystemConfigurationTasks.AddAccessRuleCryptographicException: Could not grant Network Service access to the certificate with thumbprint XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX because a cryptographic exception was thrown. ---> System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException: Access is denied.
at Microsoft.Exchange.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.TlsCertificateInfo.CAPIAddAccessRule(X509Certificate2 certificate, AccessRule rule)
at Microsoft.Exchange.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.TlsCertificateInfo.AddAccessRule(X509Certificate2 certificate, AccessRule rule)
at Microsoft.Exchange.Management.SystemConfigurationTasks.ManageExchangeCertificate.EnableForServices(X509Certificate2 cert, AllowedServices services, String websiteName, Boolean requireSsl, ITopologyConfigurationSession dataSession, Server server, List`1 warningList, Boolean allowConfirmation, Boolean forceNetworkService)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.ThrowError(Exception exception, ErrorCategory errorCategory, Object target, String helpUrl)
at Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.WriteError(Exception exception, ErrorCategory category, Object target)
at Microsoft.Exchange.Management.SystemConfigurationTasks.InstallExchangeCertificate.EnableForServices(X509Certificate2 cert, AllowedServices services)
at Microsoft.Exchange.Management.SystemConfigurationTasks.InstallExchangeCertificate.InternalProcessRecord()
at Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.b__91_1()
at Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.InvokeRetryableFunc(String funcName, Action func, Boolean terminatePipelineIfFailed)".
[02/18/2019 19:24:28.0883] [1] [ERROR] Could not grant Network Service access to the certificate with thumbprint XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX because a cryptographic exception was thrown.
[02/18/2019 19:24:28.0883] [1] [ERROR] Access is denied.
[02/18/2019 19:24:28.0883] [1] [ERROR-REFERENCE] Id=CafeComponent___ece23aa8c6744163B617570021d78090 Component=EXCHANGE14:\Current\Release\Shared\Datacenter\Setup
[02/18/2019 19:24:28.0895] [1] Setup is stopping now because of one or more critical errors.
[02/18/2019 19:24:28.0895] [1] Finished executing component tasks.
[02/18/2019 19:24:28.0925] [1] Ending processing Install-CafeRole
[02/18/2019 19:35:09.0688] [0] CurrentResult setupbase.maincore:396: 0
[02/18/2019 19:35:09.0689] [0] End of Setup

The Fix

Unfortunately because Exchange is not working, you won’t be able to use Powershell or the EAC to configure SSL certs.

To resolve this, open up the IIS Manager, right click on the Exchange Web Site, click “Edit Bindings”

IIS Exchange Edit Bindings
IIS Exchange Edit Bindings

Once the “Edit Bindings” windows is open, you’ll want to open BOTH https bindings, and click “Edit”, and then change the SSL Certificate from the Let’s Encrypt SSL cert, to the self-signed Exchange certificate that ships on the brand new install. The self-signed certification most likely will be labelled as the computer name.

Exchange SSL Bindings
Exchange SSL Bindings

If you configured the Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate on the “Exchange Backend” IIS site, you’ll also need to repeat these steps on that as well.

You can now restart the server, run the “setup.exe” on CU12 again, and it will attempt to continue and repair Exchange 2016 Cumulative Update 12.

Final Note

After the update is complete, you’ll want to restart the server. You’ll notice that the acme script, whether run automatically or manually, will not set the Let’s Encrypt certificate up again (because it’s not due for renewal). You’ll need to run the letsencrypt.exe file, and force an auto renewal which will kick off the Exchange configuration scripts (or you can manually set the certificate if you’re comfortable applying Exchange SSL certificates via PowerShell.

Additional Resources

Aug 202018

An all too common problem is when users report e-mail delays ranging from 5 to 15 minutes. When troubleshing these types of issues, you’ll notice this commonly occurs when receiving e-mails from organizations that use Office 365. Specifically this occurs due to greylisting.

Why does this happen

You’re organization is using greylisting on your e-mail proxy/SMTP relay to reduce spam. Greylisting temporarily rejects the first send of an e-mail and waits for the sending server to re-transmit the message. This process usually takes around 5-15 minutes to complete. Greylisting is used because spammers won’t re-transmit the message, which leads to a massive reduction of spam messages coming through.

Once the sending server retransmits, the sending server IP address is added to your firewalls “safe senders” whitelist. From this point on the IP address (or server) will not be subject to greylisting (and any subsequent e-mails).

Office 365 has hundreds, if not thousands (possibly 10’s of thousands) of servers they use to transmit e-mail. The chance of multiple e-mails being sent from a single server is very slim, therefor greylisting is applied to every IP (server) that is sending e-mail because it’s different. Each e-mail from an Office 365 user can take 5-15 minutes, since a new server is used every time.

How to resolve

You’ll need to configure and add an exception to your e-mail proxy/SMTP relay/firewall. This exception can be based off domain, DNS name of sending server, or IP address ranges.

Scroll down for instructions on how to create an exception on a Sophos UTM.

Domain Exception

If you use domain based exceptions, you’ll need to configure these manually for each sending domain that you want your firewall to skip greylist checking. This is a very manual process, which requires lots of human intervention to continuously update your greylist exception.

DNS FQDN of MX Server

This method is the easiest, however most firewall or UTM’s will now allow these types of exceptions since a number of DNS queries will be needed everytime an e-mail comes in. One DNS query on the MX record, and then another DNS query on the DNS host contained in the MX record. If you can configure this type of exception, you’ll want to configure it as below:


IP Address Range

This is the best method. To create an IP address range exception, we’ll need a copy of all the IP address ranges or IP address spaces that Office 365 uses to send mail. This list can be found at:

We’ll need to create an exception that skips greylist checking on the IP addresses outlined in the above link. This will stop any greylist checking on e-mails from Office 365 servers.

In my case, I use a Sophos UTM firewall, and to create an exception I had to do the following:

  1. Log on to the Webmin interface.
  2. Select “Email Protection”, then “STMP” on the left hand side, then “Exceptions” tab at the top.

    Sophos UTM E-Mail and SMTP Exception List

    Sophos UTM E-Mail and SMTP Exception List

  3. Create a “New Exception List” and call it “Office 365 GreylistWhitelist”.
  4. Check the “Greylisting” box under “Antispam”, and then check the “For these source hosts/networks”.

    Sophos UTM SMTP Create Exception

    Sophos UTM SMTP Create Exception

  5. Click the “+” button, and call the Network Definition “Exchange365-EOP-Group”. Change the type to “Network Group”.
  6. Click the “+” button in the members section, and start adding the IP spaces. Repeat this for each IP space (in total I added 23). Each network name (IP address space) requires a unique name, I named mine “Exchange365-EOP1” through “Exchange365-EOP23”.

    Sophos UTM SMTP Configure Exception

    Sophos UTM SMTP Configure Exception

  7. Click Save on the Network Group, and click Save on the exception.
  8. Enable the Exception

    Sophos UTM SMTP Exception Rule

    Sophos UTM SMTP Exception Rule

  9. Completed! You’ve now made the exception and delays should no longer occur.
Nov 062017

Something that has bothered me for a very long time has been the fact that mobile devices (using Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync), automatically send read receipts if the sender has requested it without prompting the user. This means that if someone sends you an e-mail, requests and read receipt, and you open it on your mobile device; it will send a read receipt without prompting you or giving you a choice in the matter.

This is bad for a number of reasons such as spam (this is a big one, where they try to validate e-mail addresses), legal reasons, you don’t have the time to respond and don’t want a read receipt sent yet, or you simply don’t send read receipts…

Now, with Microsoft Exchange 2016 you can disable this so that mobile devices don’t automatically send these read receipts out. It’s a simple procedure using Outlook on the web (previously known as Outlook Web Access, a.k.a OWA).

To disable automatic read-receipts:

  1. Log on to your OWA (Outlook on the web) server.
  2. Click on settings (the gear) on the top rightOutlook on the Web (OWA) Settings
  3. Expand the “General” settings menu, and select “Mobile Devices” (as shown below)
    Outlook on the Web (OWA) Settings Pane
  4. Check the checkbox for “Don’t send read receipts for messages read on devices that use Exchange ActiveSync”.
    Don't send read receipts for messages read on devices that use Exchange ActiveSync

You’re done!

Nov 062017

After doing a migration from Microsoft Exchange 2013 to Exchange 2016 I noticed that my Offline Address Book (OAB) wasn’t being made available to Outlook clients.

When trying to perform a manual download (Send and Receive -> Download Address Book), it wasn’t in the list. Also when using the “Test EMail AutoConfiguration..” (by holding CTRL and right click on Outlook System Tray icon) to examine the AutoDiscover information, there was no OAB URL (OABUrl in XML) being sent to the clients.

I spent 3 hours trying to find out why this was happening (I assumed it was configuration and/or IIS authentication related). All my virtual directories and URLs were fine, and the OAB was being generated fine without any issues. It simply wasn’t being passed to Outlook clients. I couldn’t find any references of this occurring to other users.

I finally discovered that the “WebDistributionEnabled” configuration flag was marked to False, when it needs to be marked as True. This flag when set to true, allows it to be distributed (Note/Fun Fact: There’s a separate and different flag for older Exchange versions where the OAB is inside of the Public Folder Store). There’s also a different flag “GlobalWebDistributionEnabled”, which is recommended to be enabled as well on Exchange 2016. When setting this second flag to True, it also sets the first one above to True as well.

To fix it we’ll use Exchange PowerShell:

Let’s find the name of your Offline Address Book by running the command below:


Exchange Offline Address Book Get-OfflineAddressBook

Now let’s set the “GlobalWebDistributionEnabled” flag to True using this next command:

Set-OfflineAddressBook -Identity “Default Offline Address Book (Ex2016)” -GlobalWebDistributionEnabled $true

Set Offline Address Book Microsoft Exchange 2016 Default Set-OfflineAddressBook

And finally let’s confirm to make sure the changes take effect and look for the values of “GlobalWebDistributionEnabled” and “WebDistributionEnabled” using the command:

Get-OfflineAddressBook | fl

Get-OfflineAddressBook WebDistributionEnabled GlobalDistributionEnabled


After making the above changes I recommend issuing an “iisreset” or restarting your Exchange Server. There will also be a delay where you’ll need to wait for your Outlook clients to refresh their autodiscover configuration. You can run the “Test Email AutoConfiguration…” to see if the OAB is now being passed to your clients.