Earlier this month, we decided to hike and climb Grotto Mountain. Grotto Mountain is just outside of Canmore, Alberta, with it’s trail head starting right by the Alpine club. This was my 3rd time doing the hike, and 1st for my friend. This was however the first time I’ve done the complete loop, ascending the ACC route, and descending the hard route.
While we completed the loop in a clockwise manner, I highly recommend against this. From the summit down, it was extremely difficult to find the trail, even with a downloaded map and GPS. Not only will you get lost, but it’s also incredibly difficult (probably one of the most difficult descents I’ve done simply because I kept slipping).
I’d highly recommend doing the loop in a counter-clockwise method. While this trail is “safe”, it is difficult and challenging requiring lots of stamina and cardio work. Things can get a little risky on the hard route.
AllTrails Link: https://www.alltrails.com/trail/canada/alberta/grotto-mountain-trail
My AllTrails Recording: https://www.alltrails.com/explore/recording/recording-aug-04-06-07-pm–3
Grotto Mountain is an ascent up to an altitude of around 2,870m (9416ft), with beautiful views of Canmore, Alberta and other mountains. I completed this trek with my usual hiking buddy Elisha!

And of course, below is a picture of the mountain from Canmore, Alberta. The summit is actually the peak/summit on the right side of the mountain, the left is the lower fake summit.
As I mentioned above, it’s very challenging even having done it a few times before. The ACC route is a nice long slow climb and descent, while the hard route is pretty much straight up and down.
Along the hard route we did see some wild life like mountain goats, but they stayed far away. I’ve never seen bears on this hike, however I believe there may be a risk at the bottom, as well as up to the point of the top of the tree line.
Grotto Mountain Hike Pictures
Stay safe, be bear aware, and always make sure you always do hikes like this with a friend!