You may notice on Windows Server 2012 R2, when applying Windows Updates that one or more .NET updates may fail with error code 0x80092004. This issue may affect all, or only some of your Windows Server 2012 R2 servers.
When troubleshooting this, you may notice numerous specific errors such as “Couldn’t find the hash of component: NetFx4-PenIMC”, or errors with a CAB file. These errors will probably come from update KB4054566 and KB4340558.
The Fix
To resolve this, we are going to download the updates MSU files from the Microsoft Update Catalog, and fully uninstall, then re-install the problematic updates.
Please Note: Always make sure you have a full backup before making modifications to your servers.
Please follow the instructions below:
- Create a folder called “updatefix” on the root of your C drive on the server
- Navigate to the Windows Update catalog at: https://www.catalog.update.microsoft.com/
- Search for KB4054566 and download the file for “Windows Server 2012 R2”, save it to the folder you created above called “updatefix” on the root of your C Drive. There should be one file in the download.
- Search for KB4340558 and download the files for “Windows Server 2012 R2”, save it to the folder you created above called “updatefix” on the root of your C Drive. There should be a total of 3 files in this download.
- Create a folder in the “updatefix” folder called “expanded”.
- Open an elevated command prompt, and run the following commands to extract the updates CAB files:
expand -f:* "C:\updatefix\windows8.1-kb4338415-x64_cc34d1c48e0cc2a92f3c340ad9a0c927eb3ec2d1.msu" C:\updatefix\expanded\ expand -f:* "C:\updatefix\windows8.1-kb4338419-x64_4d257a38e38b6b8e3d9e4763dba2ae7506b2754d.msu" C:\updatefix\expanded\ expand -f:* "C:\updatefix\windows8.1-kb4338424-x64_e3d28f90c6b9dd7e80217b6fb0869e7b6dfe6738.msu" C:\updatefix\expanded\ expand -f:* "C:\updatefix\windows8.1-kb4054566-x64_e780e6efac612bd0fcaf9cccfe15d6d05c9cc419.msu" C:\updatefix\expanded\
- Now let’s uninstall the problematic updates. Some of these commands may fail depending on which updates you have successfully installed. Run the following commands individually to remove the updates:
dism /online /remove-package /packagepath:C:\updatefix\expanded\Windows8.1-KB4338424-x64.cab dism /online /remove-package /packagepath:C:\updatefix\expanded\Windows8.1-KB4338419-x64.cab dism /online /remove-package /packagepath:C:\updatefix\expanded\Windows8.1-KB4338415-x64.cab dism /online /remove-package /packagepath:C:\updatefix\expanded\Windows8.1-KB4054566-x64.cab
- Reboot your server.
- Now let’s cleanly install the updates. All of these commands should be successful when running. Run the following commands individually to install the updates:
dism /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\updatefix\expanded\Windows8.1-KB4054566-x64.cab dism /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\updatefix\expanded\Windows8.1-KB4338415-x64.cab dism /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\updatefix\expanded\Windows8.1-KB4338419-x64.cab dism /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\updatefix\expanded\Windows8.1-KB4338424-x64.cab
- Reboot your server.
- You have now fixed the issue and all updates should now be cleanly installing via Windows Updates!
Leave a comment and let me know if this worked for you!
There is a GOD after all… 🙂
Sam I am,
I can’t tell you how much time I wasted on this issue (days and days).
If I saved you some time and helped with the fix, I’m super happy!
I can’t thank you enough. Finally the proper solution after 2 months of browsing and trying… 🙂
It work’s very well! THX
Yess! Worked like a charm, thank you so much!
Thank you * Thank you * Thank you! 🙂
You fixed somethng that Microsoft was not able to!
BTW: I “only” had the problem with KB4054566 and therefore tried your steps with only with this affected one – But no – it did not work.
Afterwards I have tried it also with the (non-problematic!?) others -and all asked reboots- as you have described and it worked!
Thank you so much, i stumbled on to the commands some time ago but i didn’t realize there was an order to get them installed that never occurred. Cheers Stephen and thanks for your help
I salute you!
Yes !!!! It works fine
You are great
Thanks…great job…crazy things happen when dealing with this types of things.
Really appreciate the research.
Thx for this great solution. Searched the net for this and fortunately i came on your solution.
Regards from Holland.
Worked like a charm! Thank you, Sir!
Hallo Mr. Wagner
Excuse my english –
Finally it worked! I followed your instruction above, but the system did not accept the order: dism /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\updatefix\expanded\Windows8.1-KB4054566-x64.cab
Then, very disappointet, I restartet my pc and then finally my system acceptet the update KB4054566. This incredible update disturbed me since July!
Thank very very much for your help, I send you greetings from Switzerland
Thank you very much, your solution works well. 🙂
this worked like a charm you should be putting out the microsoft bulletins!
+1 to add many thanks. I too have searched for this for a while, yours is the only solution that worked.
go raibh maith agat
I can’t thank you enough. I’ve been fighting with this for a few weeks and stumbled across your answer this morning and it worked perfectly. Thanks again!!!
Thank. I have two 2012 R2 servers only one which was affected.
Hi Stephen, that was really very helpful and I created a little batch instead of typing all – perfect. You solved my permanent problems with this f… update patch from Microsoft and now I got my free time back – THANK YOU. Over 2 months I tried to solve that problem and nobody could help me – but YOU.
Many greetings from Germany – PETER
Thanks for writing this up. I’ve been fighting this for 2 months. It worked like a champ!! Again Many Thanks!!
I want to add my thanks as well. Spent time on and off in the past two months, following “official” suggestions, and the “pseudo science” offered by Microsoft’s paid staff – as well as various misinformation on Microsoft support boards.
Your manual uninstall and reverse-order reinstall did the trick for 6 Win 2012 servers. All uninstalls were successful and the first reinstall step required a reboot – that was it.
Kudos to your expertise and thank you for sharing!
Yes! Good work indeed to sort this out. I took the recommended action & just did all of them as prescribed (versus just trying to remove & add KB4054566).
I was a little confused on the “reboot” comment above. I was not asked to reboot during the removal of any of them. When I went & added them back, each update completion it asked to reboot, I said “n” (no) & just rebooted @ the end (production server, can’t afford that many reboots).
All seems well now, very good work & really surprised how hard it was to finally find a resolution.
Thank you. Your solution stopped me from beating my head on the desk.
Fantastic! This worked perfectly.
You are to be complimented for your willingness to share this information, and providing it in such a clear cookbook manner.
Thank you is not enough, but it is the best I can do.
One question, have you considered hiring out to Microsoft as an instructor to show their support staff how to help customers?
Hi Tom,
I’m glad I can help! And a thank you is more than enough!
And no, I havent ever considered that! But I do offer remote consulting! Just for the record!
Hi…. I have the KB …….66 fail on a normal Win8.1 version (not server). Has anybody the same experience? And does your fix instruction work well for my windows? Thank you, Markus
Hi Markus,
When you search the Microsoft Catalog for the updates, you’ll need to use the ones specific for Windows 8. You may have to download different update files if you need to select a different entry.
The instructions should remain the same, however you’ll need to update the uninstall and install commands to reflect the commands for Windows 8.
Hi Stephen,
Thank you so much! Like so many others, after 2 months of trying to resolve this issue, your solution was the only one which worked – first time!
Greetings Stephen,
Thank you much for assisting the many IT administrators across the globe in resolving this issue. I performed the steps as listed on my two 2K12 R2 domain controllers and they worked well. I particularly appreciated the in-window command-line scripts. Of note, I waited until the last install of the four re-install scripts before rebooting.
Alan M
Hi Stephan…
Great! It worked also on normal Win8.1. The only thing I had to change was to download the the correct updates. Unbelievable that Microsoft does nothing to fix this. Thank you very much! 🙂
Thanks a lot! Works great on all my servers 😀
Made a script to automate this if you have a lot of servers with the problem.
First download the files and place them in a zip file on an UNC share.
Then create a new PS script, place the following code in it, replace the $source var and run it.
A reboot is sometimes needed after the /remove-package
$Source = "\\unc_share\net4.7_update_error.zip"
$Destination = "C:\updatefix"
$zip = "C:\updatefix\net4.7_update_error.zip"
$expand = "C:\updatefix\expanded"
md $Destination -force
md $expand -force
Import-Module BitsTransfer
Start-BitsTransfer -Source $Source -Destination $Destination -Description "Update transfer" -DisplayName "Update transfer"
Expand-Archive $zip -DestinationPath $Destination
expand -f:* "C:\updatefix\windows8.1-kb4338415-x64_cc34d1c48e0cc2a92f3c340ad9a0c927eb3ec2d1.msu" C:\updatefix\expanded\
expand -f:* "C:\updatefix\windows8.1-kb4338419-x64_4d257a38e38b6b8e3d9e4763dba2ae7506b2754d.msu" C:\updatefix\expanded\
expand -f:* "C:\updatefix\windows8.1-kb4338424-x64_e3d28f90c6b9dd7e80217b6fb0869e7b6dfe6738.msu" C:\updatefix\expanded\
expand -f:* "C:\updatefix\windows8.1-kb4054566-x64_e780e6efac612bd0fcaf9cccfe15d6d05c9cc419.msu" C:\updatefix\expanded\
dism /online /remove-package /packagepath:C:\updatefix\expanded\Windows8.1-KB4338424-x64.cab
dism /online /remove-package /packagepath:C:\updatefix\expanded\Windows8.1-KB4338419-x64.cab
dism /online /remove-package /packagepath:C:\updatefix\expanded\Windows8.1-KB4338415-x64.cab
dism /online /remove-package /packagepath:C:\updatefix\expanded\Windows8.1-KB4054566-x64.cab
dism /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\updatefix\expanded\Windows8.1-KB4054566-x64.cab
dism /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\updatefix\expanded\Windows8.1-KB4338415-x64.cab
dism /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\updatefix\expanded\Windows8.1-KB4338419-x64.cab
dism /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\updatefix\expanded\Windows8.1-KB4338424-x64.cab
Unfortunately no… Already 3 months I have problem only with KB4054566 (Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2 for Windows Server 2012 R2) and still not found solution
Hi CoyoteKG,
If you follow the directions in the post, it should resolve the issues and allow you to install future updates, as well as major version changes.
Whow !!!
Thank you from Germany.
It works!
Best Regards
Was also working for me.
Thanks and Best Regards
Thanks from Toronto!
Hi Steven,
great workaround, it fixed the issue on a windows 2012 R2 Essentials DC as well.
Many thanks for sharing from Germany.
God indeed, thank you very much
Hi Steven,
Also many thanks from Switzerland!
Thank you! Your procedure cleared up the problem on all of our Windows Server 2012 R2 machines quickly and easily. It’s a pity Microsoft can’t do that!
Works! So great! Thank you!
Awesome! Thanks for posting this.
Followed 3 different other guides (including Microsoft posted one) and didn’t resolved this issue.
Greetings from Germany.
Hi Stephen,
what a big big help!! It´s awesome!!!! I did try a lot with microsoft`s “help” but they never didn´t fix the problem. I did try it a lot of time to solve the problem with my windows 8.1. Finally I saw your homepage at Microsoft “Help” and I tried what you do advise above and I made it. My Windows 8.1-updates works now
finally normal like it should normally do. I also use linux on another pc but my linux-pc works much better than microsoft´s updates with it´s updates.
Thank you a lot. You are a god of IT.
Greetings from Peru and Germany
Hi Jules,
I’m glad I was able to help! Thank you very much for the compliment!
Thank you Stephen! I’ve been searching for this fix for quite a while. Your solution worked like a charm on the handful of 2012 R2 servers I had with this issue..
Nicely done!
Dude… Thank you very much!!! Your write-up here is very much appreciated… Go Flames!?!?!? Go Stars!!!
Super work! Dankeschön und dir das Beste!
Thanks alot!
Worked like a charm.
nice and neat! good job.worked 100%
It is a real fix.
At last a solution for this #!+*%&$§ Error!
It works with two 2012R2 and one 8.1 VMs in HyperV 2012R2.
Thanks a lot!
This worked GREAT! Many Thanks!
And it did not help me in windows server 2012R2. When executing step 6. I get the error “cannot find the key -f”
Hi Dmitry,
Are you using the commands exactly as shown?
Please copy/paste to make sure you are, and please make sure you don’t skip any commands either.
Worked like a charm! many thanks!!!!!!
Why Microsoft can’t do this..
Thx so much
Although the process was tedious, your instructions were clear & thus with copy-and-paste were successfully completed. And, best of all, the update error was resolved. Greatly appreciated.
Installing KB4054566 (Windows Update) —> Error 80092004.
The procedure has worked. Very good, thanks.
I really can’t believe that the solution was so simple! Microsoft has been battling with this issue for months and all their posted solutions simply don’t work.
You, SIR, are a life saver for all the IT admins out there!
Greetings from Portugal.
awesome – thanks
followed instructions step by step, running each command individually.
Only the 2nd /add-package required a reboot.(YMMV)
after completing the last step, re-ran Windows Update, and No updates are available.
YEAH!! Thank you very much!
Hallo Stephen, funktioniert perfekt!! Vielen, vielen Dank, Bernd
I only spent the best part of the day researching this problem, but without your help it would have been forever. Thank You!
Worked flawlessly. Thanks!
Same issue on Windows 8.1.
It worked perfectly for 8.1
Thanks a lot.
Grateful for you hard effort. Bill M$.
Thanks Stephen! Saved me a big headache.
Work perfectly!!! Issue solved. Thanks Stephen
Thank you!
Thank you
Thank you Stephen. Greetings from Biel/Bienne, Switzerland
worked for me.
Thank you Stephen, you are a generous man to share this – worked great! I have to admit I am confused why MS won’t offer your method as the proper method to fix the problem… Instead each month they continue the update machine of using customers as beta testers! Brilliant!
I’m glad it helped!
You are a champion! Thanks mate
Great article very easy to follow and execute.
Thanks for sharing!
Excellent work! I was working on a similar situation (possibly the same) last year (.NET Framework update fails to install) – wasted about two days on it and gave up. The issue just popped up on another workstation so thought I would take another to look to see if anyone had cracked it and behold!
Truly excellent work. Thank you very much for sharing!
Yessssssssssssssss finally it is working…. Thank you so much Stephen
Thank you so much for sharing this information, this update has been stuck stuck on 1 server for weeks, and was forcing it to update every date without any success. It solved my problem. I don’t know how you found the solution, but profound respect!
Just for information to some other non-professional administrators like me, I had to stop the Windows Update service before performing the 3rd step. Then everything ran smooth…
Thank you so much Stephen!
Finally… thank you very much.
Your instructions worked flawlessly! Thank you very much!
Thank you very much, I have been looking for a solution off and on for a couple months.
If your ever in Minneapolis, and would like a beer, stop by Broken Clock Brewery, and you can have a pint on me! Thank You again. Tom W.
Thanks Tom! Cheers
FINALLY! Thank you.
It’s a shame that microsoft is not willing to fix their own problems, especially when it comes down to such simple, and straightforward solutions!
I tried various other ways, this is the one that worked! Thx a million!
Thanks for your time and effort on this.
Hi Stephen!
Because of the failed MS-July2018-Update also on our WS 2012 R2 we were caught between the devil and the deep blue sea as we had to install a new application-version that requires 4.7.2. This scheme also failed and we were quite stumped. We thank you so much for your convincing solution – it was running absolute smoothly and we are full of praise for you!
Kindest regards from Thuringia/Germany
Master, thank you saving my spare time with your flawless solution!
Worked like a dream, can’t thank you enough.
This creepy ghost had haunted my system for -months-, to the point that I just kinda gave up on it and just left it hangin’ there.
Truly annoying, extremely frustrating and rediculously time-consuming.
Your fix did all the magic, Stephen.
..and thanks, man.
…no, wait – let me repeat that: THANKS, man!
Perfekter Workaround !!!! Armutszeugnis für Microsoft.
absolutely awesomely worked!!! Thank you so much
Amazing… tried all other suggestions and followed Microsoft instructions and nothing worked. Your fix did it for me… finally!! why is Microsoft not able to do it this simple? thanks so much.
Thanks, I appreciate your efforts, worked like a charm!
This is great! Been looking for the answer to this for a couple of months. Worked great on the 3 servers that had the issue.
THANKS!!!! Finally something that worked! God Bless you for sharing!
Thanks a lot!!!
Was fighting with my server 2012 R2.
This was very helpfull!!
And easy to follow.
A very good step by step explanation.
Kind Regards,
Maurice from the Netherlands.
Thank you for this guide it fixed the problem for me too.
99 x ❤️
This did the trick thanks bro.
Thank you. Works perfectly.
From Canada.
You Sir… Are my hero!
Thanks for this fix. It’s been doing my head in for ages and I’d already tried so many other ‘fixes’ which never worked.
You should be Knighted!
Haha, I have been plagued with this error on x6 Win2012 r2 servers until today.
Your instructions are clear and concise leading to a clean resolution to my problems.
Happy Christmas
Du geile SAU !!!
Es läuft. Du hast mir eine Menge Arbeit erspart 🙂
Weiter so !!!
Works perfect!
Thanks a ton!!! Worked like a charm.
Perfect, finally fixed an outstanding server issue…great year end cleanup…thank you thank you…
Works. Thanks!
And thanks to those on the MS forums that linked to your solution.
The commands were slightly different for me, given that the filenames have changed since this article was written, but corrected the issue. Thanks for posting this – worked really well.
For anyone struggling with the commands, I used the following:-
expand -f:* "C:\updatefix\AMD64_X86_ARM-all-windows8.1-kb4338415-x64_cc34d1c48e0cc2a92f3c340ad9a0c927eb3ec2d1.msu" C:\updatefix\expanded\
expand -f:* "C:\updatefix\AMD64_X86_ARM-all-windows8.1-kb4338419-x64_4d257a38e38b6b8e3d9e4763dba2ae7506b2754d.msu" C:\updatefix\expanded\
expand -f:* "C:\updatefix\AMD64_X86-all-windows8.1-kb4338424-x64_e3d28f90c6b9dd7e80217b6fb0869e7b6dfe6738.msu" C:\updatefix\expanded\
expand -f:* "C:\updatefix\AMD64_X86_ARM-all-windows8.1-kb4054566-x64_e780e6efac612bd0fcaf9cccfe15d6d05c9cc419.msu" C:\updatefix\expanded\
dism /online /remove-package /packagepath:C:\updatefix\expanded\Windows8.1-KB4338424-x64.cab
dism /online /remove-package /packagepath:C:\updatefix\expanded\Windows8.1-KB4338419-x64.cab
dism /online /remove-package /packagepath:C:\updatefix\expanded\Windows8.1-KB4338415-x64.cab
dism /online /remove-package /packagepath:C:\updatefix\expanded\Windows8.1-KB4054566-x64.cab
dism /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\updatefix\expanded\Windows8.1-KB4054566-x64.cab /NoRestart
dism /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\updatefix\expanded\Windows8.1-KB4338415-x64.cab /NoRestart
dism /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\updatefix\expanded\Windows8.1-KB4338419-x64.cab /NoRestart
dism /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\updatefix\expanded\Windows8.1-KB4338424-x64.cab /NoRestart
You’ll need to manually restart Windows after all the updates are reinstalled, since I’ve used /Norestart in my dism commands to prevent restarting or asking to restart between each update being reinstalled.
It worked. I restarted the server only at the end. No problems. Thanks.
Yes, it worked for me too.Thank you so much. I had to rescan for updates after applying the changes and rebooting but that’s only a minor detail.
This was awesome, it fixed my problem perfectly. Thanks Stephen
God bless you, sir. I’ve been beating my head against the MS wall for months on this. Your solution worked flawlessly.
Can’t thank you enough.
Thank you so much!
Yes works perfect. Thank you for correct solution for .NET update issue.
Best fix for 4.7 .NET issue Windows Server 2012 R2 4.7 Windows Udates FAIL Error 0x80092004
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.3.9600]
(c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:\Windows\system32>cd c:\updatefix
c:\updatefix>expand -f:* “C:\updatefix\windows8.1-kb4338415-x64_cc34d1c48e0cc2a9
2f3c340ad9a0c927eb3ec2d1.msu” C:\updatefix\expanded\
Microsoft (R) File Expansion Utility Version 6.3.9600.17415
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Adding C:\updatefix\expanded\WSUSSCAN.cab to Extraction Queue
Adding C:\updatefix\expanded\Windows8.1-KB4338415-x64.cab to Extraction Queue
Adding C:\updatefix\expanded\Windows8.1-KB4338415-x64-pkgProperties.txt to Extra
ction Queue
Adding C:\updatefix\expanded\Windows8.1-KB4338415-x64.xml to Extraction Queue
Expanding Files ….
Expanding Files Complete …
4 files total.
c:\updatefix>expand -f:* “C:\updatefix\windows8.1-kb4338419-x64_4d257a38e38b6b8e
3d9e4763dba2ae7506b2754d.msu” C:\updatefix\expanded\
Microsoft (R) File Expansion Utility Version 6.3.9600.17415
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Adding C:\updatefix\expanded\WSUSSCAN.cab to Extraction Queue
Adding C:\updatefix\expanded\Windows8.1-KB4338419-x64.cab to Extraction Queue
Adding C:\updatefix\expanded\Windows8.1-KB4338419-x64-pkgProperties.txt to Extra
ction Queue
Adding C:\updatefix\expanded\Windows8.1-KB4338419-x64.xml to Extraction Queue
Expanding Files ….
Expanding Files Complete …
4 files total.
c:\updatefix>expand -f:* “C:\updatefix\windows8.1-kb4338424-x64_e3d28f90c6b9dd7e
80217b6fb0869e7b6dfe6738.msu” C:\updatefix\expanded\
Microsoft (R) File Expansion Utility Version 6.3.9600.17415
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Adding C:\updatefix\expanded\WSUSSCAN.cab to Extraction Queue
Adding C:\updatefix\expanded\Windows8.1-KB4338424-x64.cab to Extraction Queue
Adding C:\updatefix\expanded\Windows8.1-KB4338424-x64-pkgProperties.txt to Extra
ction Queue
Adding C:\updatefix\expanded\Windows8.1-KB4338424-x64.xml to Extraction Queue
Expanding Files ….
Expanding Files Complete …
4 files total.
c:\updatefix>expand -f:* “C:\updatefix\windows8.1-kb4054566-x64_e780e6efac612bd0
fcaf9cccfe15d6d05c9cc419.msu” C:\updatefix\expanded\
Microsoft (R) File Expansion Utility Version 6.3.9600.17415
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Adding C:\updatefix\expanded\WSUSSCAN.cab to Extraction Queue
Adding C:\updatefix\expanded\Windows8.1-KB4054566-x64.cab to Extraction Queue
Adding C:\updatefix\expanded\Windows8.1-KB4054566-x64-pkgProperties.txt to Extra
ction Queue
Adding C:\updatefix\expanded\Windows8.1-KB4054566-x64.xml to Extraction Queue
Expanding Files ….
Expanding Files Complete …
4 files total.
c:\updatefix>dism /online /remove-package /packagepath:C:\updatefix\expanded\Win
Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
Version: 6.3.9600.17031
Image Version: 6.3.9600.17031
Processing 1 of 1 – Removing package Package_for_KB4338424~31bf3856ad364e35~amd6
The operation completed successfully.
c:\updatefix>dism /online /remove-package /packagepath:C:\updatefix\expanded\Win
Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
Version: 6.3.9600.17031
Image Version: 6.3.9600.17031
Processing 1 of 1 – Removing package Package_for_KB4338419~31bf3856ad364e35~amd6
The operation completed successfully.
c:\updatefix>dism /online /remove-package /packagepath:C:\updatefix\expanded\Win
Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
Version: 6.3.9600.17031
Image Version: 6.3.9600.17031
Processing 1 of 1 – Removing package Package_for_KB4338415~31bf3856ad364e35~amd6
The operation completed successfully.
c:\updatefix>dism /online /remove-package /packagepath:C:\updatefix\expanded\Win
Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
Version: 6.3.9600.17031
Image Version: 6.3.9600.17031
Processing 1 of 1 – Removing package Package_for_KB4054566~31bf3856ad364e35~amd6
The operation completed successfully.
c:\updatefix>dism /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\updatefix\expanded\Window
Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
Version: 6.3.9600.17031
Image Version: 6.3.9600.17031
Processing 1 of 1 – Adding package Package_for_KB4054566~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~
The operation completed successfully.
Restart Windows to complete this operation.
Do you want to restart the computer now? (Y/N) N
c:\updatefix>dism /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\updatefix\expanded\Window
Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
Version: 6.3.9600.17031
Image Version: 6.3.9600.17031
Processing 1 of 1 – Adding package Package_for_KB4338415~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~
The operation completed successfully.
Restart Windows to complete this operation.
Do you want to restart the computer now? (Y/N) N
c:\updatefix>dism /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\updatefix\expanded\Window
Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
Version: 6.3.9600.17031
Image Version: 6.3.9600.17031
Processing 1 of 1 – Adding package Package_for_KB4338419~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~
The operation completed successfully.
Restart Windows to complete this operation.
Do you want to restart the computer now? (Y/N) N
c:\updatefix>dism /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\updatefix\expanded\Window
Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
Version: 6.3.9600.17031
Image Version: 6.3.9600.17031
Processing 1 of 1 – Adding package Package_for_KB4338424~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~
[===========================99.6%========================= ]
The operation completed successfully.
Restart Windows to complete this operation.
Do you want to restart the computer now? (Y/N)
Worked flawlessly! Thanks!
Super this is the solution! Worked for me.
Excellent! Thank you very much 🙂
Thx a lot !
MS left me confused.
You’re a light in the dark, Stephen.
Greetings from D.
I was unable to fixed this issue on our d.c. and wsus keeps getting failed message for this.
Appreciate for your help.
thank you very much for this solution.
I’ve been having this problem for a few weeks and haven’t been able to solve it yet.
With this manual it worked immediately on my 2 servers.
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much for your work !!! It worked.
Sunny greetings from Bali 🙂
Hi Stephen
We have struggled with this issue for a long time across a number of our servers . .
We are indebted to you for not only figuring this out, but also being generous enough to share.
Thank you
This did the trick on Win 8.1. Thanks!
Many THX:
Nice one, many thanks!
Thanks man. This has been so much help for a lot of our servers.
I tried a couple of other things but this one did it.
Thank you very much!
Thank you Sir!
your Fix solved my issue!!
Greetings from Germany!
Thank you very much for share the solution. Work fine on 2 Win 2012 R2 Server.
Unbelievable that Microsoft does not manage a hotfix yet.
Greetings from Austria.
Thank you very much for this article! You deserve a place in heaven!
This article is a godsend and resolved my issue.
Thank you for posting!
Hey Stephen,
Thanks Kindly, especially for sharing.
This did the job, exactly as posted, on an 8.1 PC.
I’m curious how you came across this approach, I’m always looking for new problem/solution vectors.
I haven’t looked up all the packages, but I’m assuming you decided to back out of all of the .NET packages from DSIM and reintegrate latest versions of those packages?
Just wondering what prompted you to that leap.
Stellar Work!
The first one at “dism /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\updatefix\expanded\Windows8.1-KB4054566-x64.cab” fails at 32.7%
Error – Package_for_KB4054566 Error: 0x800f081f
Error: 0x800f081f
DISM failed.
After months I tried again to find a solution and your’s the one I found today and worked like a charm.
Many thanks for this!
What will we do without genius like you and google. Saved the day when installing Exchange 2013 CU22 on 2012 R2 which required 4.7.1 or 4.7.2 as Pre-Req. Worked like a charm…;)
It work’s very well! THX
I am astonished that Windows Update STILL hasn’t fixed this.
Your instructions worked perfectly.
Many Thanks
Very helpfull instruction. Thank you very much. It worked well.
that was great
simple step by step explanation
you are really a hero
Andreas from Switzerland
Great Stuff!
I burned so much time trying to figure this out. Found the page, 20 min later solved!
Much Appreciated!
Nice one Stephen. Worked for me as well. Thanks
Awesome Stephen! Without your precise and simple instructions I was unable to Update mit Exchange 2013 Server to cu 22 because .net 4.7.1 was a prerequisite. Many thanks from Germany! Have a good one 😉
No matter what I do for the add-package i get an error message while adding in the package.
This is for 02/03 updates last month and this month.
Hi David,
The exact commands and filenames are for the older packages when this issue first started occurring. You mentioned this is for updates this month and last month, this means you’re using the wrong package as this article was written a very long time ago.
If you’re having the issue described in this post, I recommend using the file I recommended to resolve the issue. After this, all future .NET updates should work properly without requiring intervention (or at least until we get another botched update).
Yea I did it with the new names same issue. I found a work around though for now I may have figured it out
Thanks a lot David, it worked for me. Wondering why MS can’t solve automatically such long term mass issues. Best regards, Thomas
Thank you – This Worked Great!!
It works quite well, I appreciate you. If I did not solve this problem, I would have to re-install the domain controller server. Thank you again.
This error was kicking my butt! Just ran across this page late yesterday and decided it was worth a try…just got the .NET update to install cleanly!
Thanks! It works like a charm!
Awesome article! Worked perfectly.
It worked very well. Thank you
Solved for me, thx!
Fantastic !!!
Thank – it worked 🙂
Works perfectly!!!!
I nearly got crazy about this problem any you saved my day ….
Thanks a lot!
Thanks! Your very clear procedure solved this problem on one of my servers!
Worked at least in two servers. Thank you!
It worked perfectly in my 2 servers.
Thanks again.
Many thanks!
Procedure worked well. Greetings from Cyprus.
OMG !!!
After a month searching and googling with desperate, I nearly gonna reinstall my Win 8.1…..BUT, I found this guide from Mr. Stephen Wagner about fixing DotNet Framework 4.7.2 (my case is: “cannot find object or property” and installing not completed) and I followed 1 by 1 instruction…
FINALLY, it is WORKED PERFECTLY on my PC (Windows 8.1 Pro) 😀 😀 😀 😀
Thank you very very very very much, Mr. Wagner you are genius 😀 😀 😀 😀
May GOD always bless You and Your Family <3 <3 <3
Best Regards,
Joseph Prime, from Indonesia.
Thank you so much for the detailed fix! I finally was able to fix this error which was driving me crazy!
Still works! Thanks for figuring this out, it’s been a great help to my team!
Best Regards,
Thank you so much
Excellent! Worked like a charm!
Great!! Thank you very much. On our Exchange 2016 Server on Windows Server 2016 R2 we had the Problem to install KB4054566. This articel was very helpfully.
Best regards
Finally a fix that actually works. Spent 3 days on this issue until I came across your solution. Even though you state it’s for Windows 2012 Server I actually applied this same procedure to Windows 8.1 Pro. Worked great. All fixed now. Thank you!
Glad it helped Dave!
It applies for all OSs as long as the appropriate files are downloaded, and the filenames in the command.
I know about 170 or so people have already said this but THANK YOU! I’ve been struggling with this update, which I needed for an important Software Update.
Hi Stephen,
Thank you very much! It solved my problem on the win 2008 r2 server.
Thanks from the UK. Your fix worked a treat on my Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard.
Nice to see that the software equivalent of turning it off and on again worked!
Cheers, Andy
Hi Stephen,
worked great, many thanks. Will use your procedure for solving other update problems on other servers, f. e. in win2008.
Best regards.
I was hoping this might fix my issue but the KB kb4054566 keeps erroring out with Access Denied on the individual addpackage command. The underlying error is the same as it was using the 4.7.2 installer; the underlying error being :
2019-08-07 09:43:13, Error CBS Failed to perform operation. [HRESULT = 0x80070476 – ERROR_TOO_MANY_LINKS]
Thank you very much ! It’s worked for me
Stephen, after a google search I found your concisely worded solution to this KB install problem and implemented it on 2 of my servers. It fixed the problem flawlessly. Thank you so much for taking the time to write this out so clearly! Best Regards! -Wes
Hey Stephen, thank you for a great post! Do you by any chance have a fix for EventData
ErrorCode 0x80070005?
woow, mate, it’s working !!!
.NET v4.72 installed and MS SQL Studio 18.4 installed after it also, great!!!
Thank you for your time, work and share !!
What exactly do you mean when you say “run these files individually?”
Do you mean run them in sequence, and wait for the currently running one to fully complete before starting the next one?
Would it be acceptable to put each group of commands in a batch file?
does it work for windows 10??
Hi Chichi,
This should work for Windows 10, however you may have to use different files/names. But there’s also a chance the same files/names are used for Win10 as they are for 2012R2/2016.
Where can I contact u pls help me
Hi Kel,
If you have a few simple regarding the post, you can use the chat on the website. If you need assistance and need something more involved, you can visit the “Hire Stephen Wagner” tab on the website.
Thanks a lot of!! Working this method !